
Vedhavyas Singareddi

Minimum Binary Heap

Vedhavyas Singareddi

Oauth2 Central

Vedhavyas Singareddi

Node Search

Vedhavyas Singareddi

Machine Learning

Vedhavyas Singareddi

Did You Know: Chapter 1

The first internetwork message sent was “lo”, first 2 letters in “login”, since the receiving system crashed after “lo”. Circuit Switching Vs Packet Switching Circuit Switching The data is transferred in 3 phases Connection established Data Transfer Connection Released Each data unit knows the entire path since the path the connection is explicitly established for this transfer Hence, this is very reliable The data unit is processed at the Receiving end The delay between data unit is uniform But wastage of lots of resources Packet Switching Data is transferred directly Packet only know the end destination but the intermediate nodes may change Its not very reliable Data is processed at intermediate nodes as well as destination node The delay between data units is not uniform But very less resource wastage In packet switching, due to less reliability of the transfer, we end up doing acknowledgements to and fro....

September 18, 2017 · Vedhavyas Singareddi