In the Soviet era Russia your land could be transferred to others by the state and hence was not private property.
The .COM TLD was one of the first created in 1985
Root name servers
There are 13 root name server around the world operated by 12 independent organisations
Each name server starts with [name], with name replaced with any of chars including [a-m]
Even though there are 13 root name servers, each of the 13 organisations that maintain these servers deploys multiple physical servers around the globe
This basically means, there is load balancer for each root name server before all the physical servers deployed in different locations
Infrastructure TLDs: .ARPA, mostly used for reverse DNS lookups.
International charges to credit-card accounts are cleared per country basis. And charges made in different countries are reconciled periodically. Thus bank balance can be different in different countries
DNA remains in the nucleus, while RNA can enter the far reaches of the cell to carry out DNA’s instructions.
readlink -f file.txt will fetch the full path of file.txt
List contents of tar gz and fetch only one file
Tar tf file.tgz
Tar-xf file.tgz filename
Nice trace route - mtr
Print text ad infinitum
yes prints yes infinitely
yes hello prints hello infinitely
w prints who is logged in
ls | nl prepends line number
tac file backwards of cat prints from end to start
Run a command everytime file is modified
while inotifywait -e close_write document.tex;do;make;done